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MsgBox(prompt [, buttons][, title]
[, helpfile, context])
prompt The dialogue box text.
buttons The sum of the constants for button, icon, default button and modality
title Title bar text
helpfile A helpfile to link to the help button
context Helpfile context number
Buttons: vbOKOnly (0), vbOKCancel(1), vbAbortRetryIgnore (2), vbYesNoCancel(3)
vbYesNo (4), vbRetryCancel (5)
Icon: vbCritical (16),vbQuestion (32),vbExclamation (48), vbInformation (64)
Default button: vbDefaultButton1 (0),vbDefaultButton2 (256),vbDefaultButton3 (512),vbDefaultButton4(768)
Modality: vbApplicationModal, vbSystemModal
The MsgBox function will return one of the following:
1 = OK was clicked (vbOK) 2 = Cancel was clicked (vbCancel ) 3 = Abort was clicked (vbAbort) 4 = Retry was clicked (vbRetry) 5 = Ignore was clicked (vbIgnore) 6 = Yes was clicked (vbYes) 7 = No was clicked (vbNo)
'Display a message:
result=Msgbox("Are you sure?",vbYesNo+vbInformation, "")
WScript.Echo result